Spiritual Growth,  Spirituality

Finding “The Right Book” On My Spiritual Journey

Image by Ripped Jeans Journey

Do you think that certain books show up in your life just when you need them?

I choose to believe this.

Finding “the right book” can feel particularly serendipitous when you’re on a spiritual journey.

The right book just means one that resonates with where you’re at on your own unique path of spiritual awakening and self-discovery.

And sometimes it isn’t just the author’s message that awakens something within you and moves you. 

While I do occasionally buy new books, I prefer going to second-hand bookstores. It kind of feels like going on a treasure hunt. And as one who loves reading, I do consider books treasures.

Sometimes in these second-hand books, I find physical evidence left from previous readers. Random mementos used as bookmarks, personal dedications, markings highlighting phrases or passages, and handwritten notes within the pages.

Recently, I found the right book or the book I believe I was meant to find – not in a second-hand bookstore, but where I live.

There’s a library on the top floor of the building I live in with books donated by residents. The majority of the books would fall under the mystery and thriller genres, so you can imagine what a refreshing surprise it was when I found a few spiritual/self-help books.

One of the books I found was One Day My Soul Just Opened Up: 40 Days and 40 Nights Toward Spiritual Strength and Personal Growth by Iyanla Vanzant.

Similar to many self-help books, this book provides journaling prompts at the end of each chapter. One of the prompts being: After reading today’s commentary, I realize

As I flipped through the pages to decide whether to borrow the book or not, I noticed some handwritten notes from the previous reader, so of course I had to read it.

After reading today’s commentary, I realize: “That I have started to live the truth by leaving my job and starting a new career for myself.”

Reading those handwritten words decided it for me. I had to get the book now. I believe I was meant to find the book and to read those words shared by the previous reader. It was a cosmic wink from the Universe. A reminder that I am not alone. A reminder that we are connected.

Here’s a fellow soul on a similar journey. Here’s a fellow soul who’s left their job (probably a soul-sucking one) and started a new path towards alignment. 

May you continue to follow your heart despite how “impractical” others may judge you to be.

Thank you, fellow soul. Our paths may look different, but I believe we are going towards the same place. Towards home and True Self. 

Let’s meet there.